Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I express my thoughts mostly by the way I dress. I usually wear jeans, a nice shirt, or a hoodie to school. I also express myself with music. I enjoy playing the guitar and singing and listening to music. It depends on my mood to which song I listen to. If I listen to a sad song, i'm upset, if i'm happy I usually listen to upbeat music. If I feel mellow, I listen to old rock like Journey and the Rolling Stones.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Miranda- I am a college student at the University of South Alabama, and my EDM 310 instructor gave me your blog to comment on this week. I read through several of your posts and really enjoyed them. Your most recent post caught my eye because you talk so much about music. I absolutely love the fact that you play the guitar. My dad & sister play, but I have never been able to figure it out. How long have you been playing? One last thing- keep expressing yourself- being an individual is a beautiful thing!

    Sally Jeter
