Monday, March 18, 2013

Caesar's Death

Caesars Death My plan to kill Caesar would be by poison. Back then, poison could not be detected when they checked through the body. Normally a women’s number one killing weapon is poison. It’s fast, merciful, and non violent. I would get a job as a servant and make my way to the kitchen station, and poison his meal. Also with the many other servants that make Caesars meals and such, no one would know who did it, and would have no way to dust for finger prints.


  1. Hello, my name is Karl. I enjoyed your happy post about Caesar's death. You seem to have thought about this before... Anyway, I learned a lot from your post and I liked it very much. One question, do you know how much it costs to pay a woman to do this? Thanks, and you can contact me at .

  2. Hi, my name is Genna. I have a blog that you can get to by this link: I think this plan is smart. It seems well thought out and sneaky! What would you do if you couldn't access poison? Again, I think your blog is creative and neat.
