Monday, March 18, 2013

Caesar's Death

Caesars Death My plan to kill Caesar would be by poison. Back then, poison could not be detected when they checked through the body. Normally a women’s number one killing weapon is poison. It’s fast, merciful, and non violent. I would get a job as a servant and make my way to the kitchen station, and poison his meal. Also with the many other servants that make Caesars meals and such, no one would know who did it, and would have no way to dust for finger prints.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Quote and Speak

The quote relates to the book Speak, because Melinda has no voice and she is silent. She frustrates herself and other people. It says that words and speech is power, but Melinda does not have any of those till towards the end of the book. Many times she tries to speak out, but always wimps out. She is ignored and denied friendship. This may happen in other schools, but in ours I don't see it that much. Here everyone pretty much speaks their own mind. I mean, I'm not going to let someone tell me something insulting or discriminate me.

Speak book Report

Miranda Moody 3-7-13 1st Block Speak The book Speak could mean allot of things. It could mean how things change in High school. It could show how if something bad happens to you, you should always let someone know. It could also show that even though you’ve lost all your friends, you need to hang on to hope. The book mentions symbolism in a part of the book. Though it talks about Nathaniel Hawthorne’s books, I think it also sets symbolism in the book “Speak.” There are several symbols that I think I noticed. One was how she cut herself. It meant that she was trying to escape from reality. Another one was the snow. Like in the story, Melinda mentioned she thought the snow meant silence. I also believe that is what the snow means in this book as well. One more symbol that I noticed in the book was the tree with dead limbs outside of Melinda’s room. It had several dead limbs, but was still alive. In the book, I believe that Melinda was almost dead, emotionally. She was still alive though. She slowly began to grow more comfortable, and speak again. She was earning her friends off. And when the dead limbs are sawed off the tree, it can fight to live again, just like her. What this book means to me, is that no matter what happens to you, you shouldn’t let it get you down. You need to fight for yourself and live everyday to the fullest, because you never know what’s going to happen. It also expresses to me that if something happens to you and it effects other negativitly, you should speak out, so misunderstandings do not happen, and you get blamed and hurt for things that weren’t your fault. One final thing is that you need to always tell your parents things, or it will only get worse. This is what the book Speak meant to me. The story is about a girl who gets raped and calls the cops at a party. She doesn’t tell anyone what happened, and everyone thinks she called the cops because they were drinking. Everyone abandons her and is spiteful towards her. She is alone through out most of the book, and things seem to only to get worse. But soon, she gets into art class where she can express her pain through artwork. She soon begins to start regrowing her confidence and build back up her strength. Around the end of the book, Andy tries to rape her again, but the lacrosse team gets there just in time. The first person she tells is Mr. Freeman that she got raped. This book is about personal growth when you’ve suffered over allot of stuff.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Caged Bird and Melinda

The Caged bird in the poem and Melinda are very similar. They both are screaming to be set free, to scared to try to break out, and aren't able to speak out. They are both quiet and wish for freedom from this almost curse.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


In the book, it finally reveals what happens to Melinda. She was raped and called the cops at a party. She hasn't told anyone so everyone just thinks she called the cops to bust everyone for drinking.

Friday, March 1, 2013


I think that the reason most teenagers commit suicide is because the fact that they think they can't go on in life anymore. They think that any more weight on them, and they will be crushed underneath. Even though that's not true, they refuse to look on the better sides of things, like how going through these difficult times will only make you stronger. But I guess the term "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." Does not apply.