Tuesday, January 15, 2013

About Me

My name is Miranda Moody, and I was born on October 22, 1996, at the Fairhope hospital. My hobbies include singing, reading, tsa, and playing video games. My favorite sport is Softball, which I play for the high school, Baldwin County. I have four sisters. My oldest sister is Amanda who is 25. She has a daughter named Annabelle, who is almost 2. I am the second oldest at 16. The next oldest is Mariah, who is my twin sister. Then youngest is Mckenzie, who is in 7th grade, and is 12 years old. I am a sophomore in high school, and I have never failed a grade before. I live with both my parents, who ages are unknown. I take religion pretty seriously, and I was saved on December 28, 2012 around 5:00 PM. I have three dogs also. I have two Boston Terriers, named Daisy, and Bama, as in the Alabama football team. Then I have a shiazoo who is named Bosefus, after a famous singer. My favorite band is My Chemical Romance, and my favorite song from them is currently To The End. My favorite movie is Rock of Ages, mostly because of the music. My favorite TV show is Once Upon a Time. Finally, my best friend is Natalie de Joghn. I compete competitively in TSA, which stands for Technology Student Association. Our chapter is currently the best in county and state, and 4th in the nation. I am considered one of the top competitors. I specialize in speeches, photoshop, multimedia, and presentations. We have county, state, and national level competitions. County is usually at the community college, state is usually at the center of the state, and nationals is any where in the united states that can hold over 150,000 million kids.

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