Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Fast food in School opinion

I disagree with fast food in schools. Obesity is becoming a pandemic, and with the contribution of fast food and all its unhealthy nutrients, it only serves to make things worse. In my own opinion, I think they should substitute with healthy, TASTY, things. The things in our own cafeteria are considered healthy, but most the time they are disgusting because most of it is freezer packed and put in a oven. It would be better if the cafeteria ladies were allowed to cook things themselves, instead of the food they are forced to get out of a can andput in the microwave

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

This is just to say Poem

“This Is Just To Say” Parody
I have beaten you in the face
which you deserved it very much
me but the purple bruise looks good on your face.